Bryce's Basket

Leadership Everyone was been heavily involved in Evans School for quite some time during which we had the opportunity to meet Bryce Jordan, a beloved third grader. Each time LE would visit the school, we would bring fresh foods for the students. Without fail, Bryce greeted the LE staff each visit to help carry in the foods. Bryce would distribute the foods to his classmates and other students who were hungry and needing the healthy sustenance.

Even as a third and fourth grader, Bryce understood the importance of helping those in need. His willingness to assist LE staff and prompt dispersal of the food to hungry children throughout the school demonstrated Bryce’s commitment to servant leadership at such a young age.

Bryce lived by this concept of servant leadership until he suddenly became ill and passed away due to complications last winter. After shedding many tears, Leadership Everyone began to dream of sharing what Bryce loved, helping feed those in need, with others in the community. With the creation of the gleaning project, Bryce’s dream of reducing hungry by sharing the over abundance of healthy foods in the community became a reality: Bryce’s Basket was born.

With the purpose of honoring Bryce’s servant leader spirit by naming the gleaning project after him, we are encouraging the entire community to help Leadership Everyone make a difference for Bryce. As Glen Roberts, CEO of the Tri-State Food Bank, states, “The issue is not that we don’t have enough food. The issue is we have a distribution problem.” Bryce’s Basket is going to eliminate this distribution problem. By facilitating a connection between where the food is grown and where the food is distribution, Bryce’s Basket will be able to ensure that the food abundance will reach those who need it most.

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