Customized Training

Leadership Everyone is pleased to offer our unique leadership training in customizable programs and facilitation services. Flexible in nature, our programing can be adapted for meetings, retreats, and community forums, on whatever platform suits your specific organization or business. We specialize in the facilitation of servant leadership, discovery and utilization of individual and team gifts and talents, CliftonStrengths, Learning Preferences, collaboration, consensus-building, organizational pride, and team visioning. Learn more about what we offer!

To learn more, contact us at 812.425.3828 or [email protected].

From community level to small teams, nonprofit, government, and corporate—we work with all types of groups! See our extensive list of current and past clients below.

What Do We Offer?

Skills for 21st Century Leaders – A process of change for people, their teams, their organizations, and their communities, from Leadership Everyone and the Indiana Leadership Initiative.

While LE’s mission to develop effective community leaders remains paramount, leadership opportunities and responsibilities aren’t confined to one dimension of your life. Our curriculum focuses on skills you can use anywhere to help people and teams get better results—whether at work with colleagues and clients, for a board or community organization, within your family and circle of friends, or with neighborhood, community, or school projects.

Participants of our sessions learn to practice new skills in real settings, apply their learning, and report results.

I. Essential Attitudes

Servant-Leadership is widely acknowledged as the appropriate leadership model for the 21st century. Sometimes misunderstood, servant-leadership is about identity and motive as well as about action. Servant-leaders care about the people they lead and the processes they use, as well as about getting the work done. They choose to lead collaboratively, which develops and increases the skills and capacities of their followers. This enables individuals to become “healthier, freer, wiser, more autonomous, more likely themselves to be servants.” [Robert K. Greenleaf, founder of the modern Servant-leadership movement.] Servant-leaders model this attitude and teach others to become servant-leaders.

Community Trusteeship expands servant-leadership to an even broader collaborative approach—making a commitment to, and taking responsibility for organization-wide or community-wide improvement, without regard to “What’s in it for me?”

II. Essential Skills

Gifts and Talents focuses on the importance of discovering the unique skills and qualities each person brings to the group, building an inventory of assets so the individual, group, or organization can develop fully and/or benefit from the talents available. The use of learning partners in the discovery process introduces the concept of “co-learning,” feedback, and coaching.

Learning Preferences (Styles) demonstrates that individuals learn in different ways and that their preferences affect group interaction. The group can benefit from recognizing the learning preferences of its members as gifts and use them to strengthen group work. Failure to recognize, accept, and effectively use the differences in learning styles can manifest as personality conflicts or lack of teamwork.

Cycle of Change teaches individuals and groups to view every experience, success, or failure as a vehicle for reflection, learning, and improvement. In effective groups, this learning is a collaborative process. This Cycle interacts with Learning Styles and results in better quality individual and group performance. Stages of a Learning Community focuses on how groups learn to work together collaboratively—their relationships and behaviors as well as their tasks. Strategies are identified to help the group progress effectively through each stage as it strives to reach high performance, and avoid being stuck in less productive modes.

III. Essential Processes

Visioning a Preferred Future begins a person’s, team’s, or organization’s journey of moving “from where we are to where we want to be.” Participants develop and communicate a shared meaning of what the community or organization should be like or look like when it’s working well; they identify the goals they need to pursue and improvements they want to make, as they strive for their ideal.

Collaboration is the process by which organizations and communities will operate in the 21st century when they want and need mutual benefits that are not achievable or satisfactory through separate efforts. Successful collaborators begin by learning new ways of working together—new attitudes, agreements, and facilitation skills, including recognition of and input from all stakeholders.

Dialogue and Consensus Decision-making avoid destructive “solution wars” and create win-win situations. The goal is not to find the one so-called right decision, nor one “we can live with.” Rather, the goal is to gain unity and agreement in a decision that will work and will create a broad group commitment that makes implementation easier. There are various models for reaching consensus—all of them take time and practice!

IV. Supporting Attitudes/Skills/Components

New Leadership examines new understanding about the nature of leadership, why it is changing, and what it will need to be in the 21st century.

A Timeline is often the first step of a personal or institutional visioning process. It provides perspective on where we’ve been and where we want to go, and identifies values and behaviors that worked in the past and should be carried forward in a new climate. Likewise identified are values and behaviors that have had their day and need to be left behind. Through timelines, people share stories and develop common meaning.

Multiple Lenses (Understanding Differences) examines a situation from other perspectives that are important but may be missing from the table, or are present at table, but are not being heard. This process reveals overlooked information and leads to a more complete understanding of a vision, issue, or problem.
Active Listening is essential to dialogue, aids in discovering and understanding the real meaning of what is being communicated, and helps the listener respond appropriately and constructively to the speaker and the situation.

Communication and Conflict Resolution are key to persons understanding one another and working together successfully. These skills demand conscious awareness of our own behaviors and habits as well as the recognition of and appropriate response to the behaviors of others. We must communicate, and we can’t (and wouldn’t want to) eliminate conflicting ideas. Therefore, the best action is not reaction. The best action is the development and practice of interpersonal skills.

Problem/Solution Identification distinguishes problems according to their symptoms, then prescribes the effective, appropriate leadership response for each.
“Six Thinking Hats” for creativity and decision-making is Edward de Bono’s proven method to reach decisions using 6 types of thinking hats that thoroughly examine a problem or proposal, consider all the facts, feelings and angles, to arrive at a conclusion that makes sense. The Six Thinking Hats technique can be used to stimulate creativity in problem-solving and/or to lead a group to a consensus decision.

“Hard Talk” is a dialogue structure that provides a triple-whammy: group members build trust, and learn the communication and collaborative skills, that enable them to work together more effectively as they tackle “real work.”

Facilitation Training equips a leader or group member to use the “Skills for 21st Century Leaders” to help a group or team move from where they are to where they want to be, whether facilitating from within or outside the group.

Open Space [adapted from Harrison Owen, pioneer in organizational consciousness] is a facilitation method that encourages the group to: take responsibility for setting the agenda; discover its own wisdom; do the necessary research and teaching; define and implement goals; evaluate results; and plan future actions.

Creating a Leader-full Community answers the questions “What is a leader-full community, why is it desirable, and how is one created?”

Current and Past Clients 



Henderson Leadership Initiative

Field & Main Bank

Deaconess Health System

Bosse High School

Henderson Leadership Initiative


Evansville Vanderburgh Public Library

Keller Schroeder

First Federal Savings Bank

Henderson County Public Library


Memorial Baptist CDC

Ivy Tech Community College

Lochmueller Group

University of Evansville Center for Innovation and Change

Evansville Vanderburgh School Corporation

Bowen Engineering

First Bank


HOPE of Evansville

United Neighborhoods of Evansville

University of Evansville Masters of Leadership Program

F.C. Tucker Emge

Fifth Third Bank

Glenwood Leadership Academy

Mesker Park Zoo & Botanical Gardens

New Tech Institute

SABIC Women’s Network

Southwest Indiana Chamber’s Young Professionals Alliance

Stage One Media

University of Evansville- Institute for Global Enterprise in Indiana

University of Southern Indiana Honors Program Student Retreat

University of Southern Indiana International Studies Program – Iraqi Student Exchange Program

University of Southern Indiana Retreat for Deans, Chairs and Program Directors

University of Southern Indiana School of Nursing Strategic Planning

Alhambra Theatre, Inc.

American Baptist Ministers Council

Arthritis Foundation

Awareness Washington (IN) County

Career Choices, Inc. – Summer Program for At-Risk Youth, 2000 – 2002

Central High School Freshman Retreats

City of Evansville – Front Door Pride Program/Haynie’s Corner Arts District

Commission for the Indiana 21st Century Juries Retreat

Community Recreation & Education Center

Diversity Lecture Series

Economic Development Coalition of Southwestern Indiana

Evansville Courier Town Meeting

Evansville Inter-Faith Commission Planning Committee

Evansville Neighborhood Visioning Conference

Evansville Philharmonic Board and Staff Retreat

Evansville Regional Business Committee

First Presbyterian Church

Gibson General Hospital

Hands on Discovery Children’s Museum/cMoe

Harwood Middle School Faculty Opening Day*

Harwood Middle School Student Council & Star Power

IBEW Local #16

Indiana Chapter of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society – Facilitators Workshop

Indiana Chapter of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society Retreat

Indiana Donors Alliance Annual Conference

Indiana Human Relations Commissioners – Annual Conference

Indiana Humanities Council, Regional Leadership Forums

Indiana Leadership Association – Annual Conference

Indiana Leadership Association – Vision Process and Board Retreat

Indiana Supreme Court Commission on Race and Gender Fairness

International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 16

Junior League of Evansville

Leadership Bartholomew (IN) County

Leadership Gibson (IN) County – Leadership Program Steering Committee

Leadership Harrison (IN) County

Leadership Jackson (IN) County—Awareness Washington (IN) County

Leadership Knox (IN) County

Leadership Lafayette (IN)

Leadership Montgomery (IN) County

Leadership Perry (IN) County – Community Leadership Program

Leadership Posey (IN) County

Leadership Spencer (IN) County – Opening Retreat

Marian Heights Academy Faculty and Staff*

National Association for Community Leadership Conference

Old National Bancorp Accounting Department

Our Greater Community Visioning Project – SW Indiana

Patchwork Central Board of Directors

Private Industry Council – Summer Program for At-Risk Youth, 1999

Signature School – Community Conference on Education Facilitator Training

Signature School – Community Conference on Education Workshop

St. Anthony’s Hospice

St. Mary Church – Parish Council Retreat

SW Indiana Diversity Network

University of Evansville Admission Department

University of Evansville Engineering Students

University of Southern Indiana – Student Leadership Conference

University of Southern Indiana – Women Leaders Retreat

Veazey Parrott Durkin & Shoulders Architects & Engineers – Visioning Retreat, Workshops

West Terrace School Student Council and Advisors

Workshops for Community Members

YouthBuild Evansville


Lynn Shares Her e-story

Check out our CEO, Lynn Miller Pease, as she shares her inspiring e-story! THIS is what LE is all about! Help us forge a brighter future by getting involved in Leadership Everyone’s mission! Join a Regional VOICE project, sign up for a retreat, or donate to help us...

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